Substance Use Counseling

“Stay in control of the life you want to live.”

Detox your body and life.

Substance abuse counseling is a combination of treatment and support to help people break free from drug or alcohol addiction. This specific type of therapy is often a key part of rehabilitation programs so clients can overcome substance dependence mentally and emotionally. Our KBR clients work with a licensed addiction professional in a clinical setting to address issues like mental health, behavior patterns, and discover the appropriate treatment options. Substance abuse counseling may involve:

  • Talk therapy sessions,

  • Discussing the causes of addiction,

  • Positive coping strategies,

  • Developing treatment goals and plans,

  • Practicing skills and behaviors necessary for recovery, and

  • Recommendations for 12-step programs or groups

Personal safety is one of our main priorities therefore we ensure that our clients are ready for treatment prior to beginning. This may sometimes require our clients to detox their bodies prior to the mental detox begins. Our licensed professional works towards goals of a:

  • Mental health diagnosis,

  • Social needs (e.g., family relationships, friendships, etc.),

  • Goals for recovery and beyond (e.g., independent living, a return to a former career, etc.), and acknowledging

  • Situational threats to your ability to remain sober (e.g., underlying behavioral disorders, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, chronic disorders, etc.)

With defined goals and objectives, we can begin working together to tackle the issues that influence your substance use disorder.

“Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt